Audio & Video

Agnus Dei (From Fredrik Sixten Requiem)

Live performance in New York City: June 8, 2012
SONOS Chamber Orchestra and Chorus
Erik Ochsner, conductor

[posted with permission of composer]


Arranged and Orchestrated by Martin Bejerano

In honor of The New York Philharmonic’s “New World Initiative” and the Philharmonic’s 175th Anniversary Season, SONOS Chamber Orchestra commissioned a new “New World.”

Antonín Dvořák: Symphony No. 9 “New World”: second movement “Largo”

Arranged and Orchestrated by Martin Bejerano

SONOS promotion at United Palace Theater

Dies Irae for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, double mixed choir and chamber orchestra (New York premiere)

Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782)

Christina Arethas, soprano
Teresa Buchholz, alto
Dann Coakwell, tenor
Eric Jordan, bass

June 8th, 2012, Saint Peter’s Church

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